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Services ... in Chinese Calligraphy - Graphic design & Typography


即席揮毫 Impromptu & On-site Writing in events



請點擊「詳情及填表」提供活動 / 服務的資料。敬請貴  客先提供(時事等基本資料)我們才能回覆。

We have cooperated with different companies, enterprises and charitable groups, including festival activities (such as on-site writing in Chinese New Year), VIP customized writing for shopping malls, shops and clubhouses, corporate spring dinners and NGO activities and services. 

Click "Details & Apply" to provide your information. Please provide your basic information first, such as time, place, person, matter, etc.


中國書法工作坊 Chinese Calligraphy Workshops

企業、學校、私人活動或非政府組織(10 人或以上)可以預約組成小班活動、團體工作坊或團隊建立活動,培養書藝興趣及提升個人對藝術的修養。

請點擊「詳情及填表」提供活動 / 服務的資料。敬請貴  客先提供(時事等基本資料)我們才能回覆。


Corporate Group , School Activity, Private Group or Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) (10+ ppl or above) can be made an appointment to form calligraphy class , workshop or team building in group. Enhance the interest and art sense through Chinese calligraphy.


Click "Details & Apply" to provide your information. Please provide your basic information firstsuch as time, place, person, matter, etc.


農曆新年揮春訂購 Chinese New Year Red Couplets Order

築字室® 照舊應節寫揮春,為方便處理訂購,請  閣下填寫表格。歡迎各位自訂手寫揮春的內容,可選擇「黑墨」或「金墨」書寫。



如需題字內容參考,請瀏覽 「農曆新年常用祝福語參考 中選擇。


ZUKZISAT® writes Red Couplets as usual. Please fill in the order form to process the Chinese new year's order. You are welcome to customize your content of Red Couplets. You can choose "black ink" or "gold ink" to write.


Red Couplets (Handwritten style) offer the choices: square, couplets and Chinese New Year red couplets sets.

Please see more options & reference in CNY WORDINGS for inscription.

Please click "Order Form" to order and provide your information. (Order END ... see you next year , Happy New Year !)


題字訂製 及 視覺設計 Custom-made Writing & Visual Design

中國書法與設計結合,將題字融入視覺藝術、字體設計、 商業設計、活動設計、品牌設計、招牌題字及印刷等,創造獨一無二的作品, 客製題字亦可提供裝裱 / 平面設計及電腦製作。

如需題字內容參考,請瀏覽 常見題字及用語參考 中選擇。

請點擊「詳情及填表」,敬請貴  客先提供資料。


The combination of Chinese Calligraphy and Visual Communications (typography , commercial design , event design , branding design , title inscription and printing etc. ). Custom-made writing to create unique pieces, as well as mounting with frame / mounting in scroll / decoration and/or graphic design & production.

Please see more options & reference in WORDINGS for inscription.

Please click "Details & Apply" to provide your information first.

如有查詢,請 email : 或 instagram : @zukzisat INBOX 留言聯絡。

For enquiries , please contact us by email : OR instagram : @zukzisat INBOX message.



All rights reserved. Please ask before you indicate and quote the source.

If there is any violation, we reserve the rights to pursue legal action.

***  謝絕任何錄音,如 閣下以錄音方式留言查詢,一概不會回覆,特此聲明。

We hereby declare that NO audio message PLEASE!

If you record a voice message , we will not reply any enquiry. ***

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